Designing Sustainable Rural Communities

Project Village is a new rural model committed to community growth. Our team helped bring their vision of revitalizing their rural community to life with visual design and storytelling.


The Challenge

Rural communities are faced with a unique set of challenges merely due to their geographic location. The Project : Village team has set out to tackle some of their region’s most difficult barriers using a collaborative working model, working with local residents, community partners, and various stakeholders.

The Solution

GoDo helped bring their vision to life through storytelling and design. Project : Village is a new rural model committed to community growth. Their collaborative approach tackles some of our region’s most difficult challenges including access to safe, affordable housing and transportation options, food insecurity, population decline, health, and accessibility.


Want to work with us?

We pride ourselves on working with people with big ideas that favour a brighter future for humanity. If you or your organization want to harness the power of design to tell your story, we want to hear from you.